Here's all the rules you'll need to play the game. Note that a lot of the equipment glossary is for the future version of the game. We'll eventually Break it down for each era, but for now it's easier to just have one list.
Basic Rule Set
Basic Units
Advanced Rule Set
Advanced Units
Phased Combat Rules
Example Combat
Equipment Glossary
Weapons Glossary
Prepping for Combat
Special Ammunition
Rocket Pods
Gun Pods
Infantry The Infantry Rules will be posted sometime after LittleWars 2003.
Biological / Chemical Warfare
BioChem Warriors
Unit Construction
Quote of the Moment |
$dbcnx = mysql_connect("localhost", "shock", "sh0kdbi");
if (!$dbcnx){
echo(" Unable to connect to the database server at this time. ");
mysql_select_db("shock", $dbcnx);
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