Currently, there are only a couple ways to get involved.
We have the Message Boards.
You can also email us.
Here is what is in the works:
- Unit Design Request Form
- This is for those of you who want us to design a unit using your recommendations.
- Unit Submission Form
- This is for submitting units you have designed for inclusion on the site.
- Official Sponsorship
- Information for running a Sponsored Game at your local conventions.
- Special Forces
- This will be a membership area designed to keep player scores for ranked battles.
This stuff will get added as time permits.
Quote of the Moment |
$dbcnx = mysql_connect("localhost", "shock", "sh0kdbi");
if (!$dbcnx){
echo(" Unable to connect to the database server at this time. ");
mysql_select_db("shock", $dbcnx);
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